Friday, 27 January 2012

Burnie Hash Change of Venue

This week the Hare de Jour Dyke has cooked his goose, coming up with some lame duck excuse that he has to work.  So he's coerced Matchsticks to fill the cavity.
This week's r*n will now be set from the pump station at Fern Glade, and weather permitting the On On will be at the barbecue area.  Should things turn inclement, a pub meal may be on the cards, so bring extra cash just in case.
Sunday January 29th, 5.30pm.
On! On!

Friday, 20 January 2012

Burnie HHH Hash Trash 20 January 2012

This week’s Burnie r*n will be set by Ratchet and Knickers from the Port Sorell Caravan Park. All you need to do to find it is drive right to the end of the main road in to Port Sorell, find a park, locate toilets and use your eyeballs to spy a shady looking group of hashers...

Be sure to come along as it is (almost) a certain hasher’s special day and if you don’t the spoils will go to Devonport Hash the following night!

Sunday January 22nd, 5.30pm. Bring Hat, mug, joke, friend, $10, piece of wood, raffle change and budgie smugglers.  Or some other bird.  Who couldn't use an extra cockatoo?

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The Brady Brunch

Not get quite what you'd hoped for at Christmas? Well here's your chance to wash away all those Yuletide Blues, and the Red and White furry ones too.
This Saturday January 7th, Ratchet and Knickers are hosting a barbecue at their home 1054 Isandula Road, Gawler. Turn up (naked is OK) and bring alcohol and meat. Things kick off any time after 1 pm and there is accommodation available on request, first in first served. The garden and the cellar will be open for inspection, and sniffer dogs will be on hand for anyone looking to make off with sippings, cuttings or the family silver, Urang. Karaoke has not been mentioned. Damn, I just did...
Sunday sees a return to "regular" Burnie Hashing, and hare A Bit of This is setting a brunch r*n from Isandula Road at the all new and exciting, never-to-be-repeated-till-next-year time of 11 am. Don't forget your hat and your raffle money. All unwanted Christmas gifts will be welcomed by raffle rigger Speed Hump, a noted recycler long before the dung beetle was imported.
Another important reminder is for the High Noon for Full Moon weekend at Pyengana on January 14/15. This year we're in the dairy, pulling tits. Milkmaids, cheesemakers, wranglers, mad cows, lots of bull. Accommodation at the Pub in the paddock, camping, or you can contact Lone Arranger for digs at the local hall. It'll be a Full Moo-oon to remember.
On On
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