Thursday, 30 August 2012


This Sunday is Father's Day and Burnie Hashers will be busy with Sunday roasts and the like.
Those still looking for a Hashing fix of sorts should meet at Speed Hump's house in Ridgley at 3.30pm.
Instructions from the Pseudo-Hare: Bring a plate of food to share.  Wear shoes you don't mind getting muddy.
On! On!

Friday, 17 August 2012

R*n 1170 - Sunday 19th August 2012
This week's r*n will be set by Black Track strating at the old Cooee Abattoir at Cooee point at 3:30pm.  The OnOn will be at the Club Hotel so bring some extra cash to pay for the meal.  Also, don't forget to bring a hat, mug, joke, friend, torch, piece of wood, $10 and raffle change.

Friday, 3 August 2012

R*n 1168 - Sunday 5th August 2012, 3.30pm.
This week the r*n will be set by Ringo. Head to Highclere and follow signs.  Don't forget to
bring a hat, mug, joke, friend, torch, piece of wood, $10 and raffle change.
Receding Hareline: 
12th August - TBA
19th August - Black Tracka
26th August - TBA