Big weekend for Burnie HHH coming up. LoonRhash Friday 2nd October at Tullah Lakeside Lodge. 6.30 pm.
Saturday R*n at 10 am from same place. Your 'Hares ' for the weekend will be that infamous duo Urang and Phay Wray.
Big weekend for Burnie HHH coming up. LoonRhash Friday 2nd October at Tullah Lakeside Lodge. 6.30 pm.
Saturday R*n at 10 am from same place. Your 'Hares ' for the weekend will be that infamous duo Urang and Phay Wray.
Sunday 27th September. 3.30 pm. 8 Esplanade Somerset. Sword Swallower is Hare for the day. Summer time starts the following weekend and we will revert to a 5.30 pm start as from then. Though not from that day as the R*n that weekend is in Tullah and will be on the Saturday!!!!!
Sunday 13th September. 3.30 pm meet in the carpark in Ridgley opposite the road to Guide Falls. There will be signs!! On-on at Kastle King. Phay Wray is "Hare" apparent.
Sunday 6th September 2020. 3.30 pm. 22 Uplands Place Burnie (opposite Eastern entrance to Hospital.)
Just Sue is our "Hare" and will hostn the On-on there afterwards.