Tuesday, 19 April 2022

R*n 1674.

 Sunday 24th April. 3.30 pm "Marion's Lookout"  aka 12 George Street Somerset. Bring a chair for the On-on.

Monday, 11 April 2022

R*n 1673

 Sunday 17th April. Easter Day. R*n starts at 3.30 pm from Fernglade Burnie. On-on after at Ringo's Ranch for an Easter Egg Hunt and LoonRHash feast!!!

AGPU 14th May at Isandula Retirement Home 4 pm Start. Cummittee members please send your reports to Ewe Turn (taggie@iinet.net.au) or me ( abitofthis59@gmail.com). we need them by  the end of April please.

Saturday, 9 April 2022


 Sunday 10th April. The R*n will start and finish at 11 Stanywn Court Wynyard. OverDose is Hare in charge. Start time will be 4.30 pm.On -on.