Tuesday 25 April 2023

R*n 1726 update.

 Sunday 30th April. R*n will start from the Sith Cala Reserve Bretts Rd North Motton. Where Slacko's road turns off just before N Motton Bretts Rd turns off in the same direction just after N Motton, ie: South North Motton. Copied verbatim from a facebook announcement from Ratchet. 3.30pm start.

Monday 24 April 2023

R*n 1726.

 Sunday 30th May 3.30 pm Knickers is setting one of her infamous R*ns from 1054 Isandula Rd providing her "Nanna" duties allow.

Sunday 16 April 2023

R*n 1725.

 Sunday 23rd April (St Georges Day) 3.30 pm 72 Purtons Rd North Motton. Slack Mac our esteemed writer and critic is in charge.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

R*n 1724 update.

 Sunday 16th April 3.30pm. 19 Old Cam Rd Somerset where Sticky Date will be setting a r*n if they have been allowed back into Tasmania. !!! Bring wet suits and gum boots is a suggestion from the Hare.

Monday 10 April 2023

R*n 1724.

 Sunday 16th April. Captain Pugwash and Sticky Date are listed as "hares" from TBA at 3.30 pm. Watch this space for further details.

Tuesday 4 April 2023


 Easter Sunday!! April 9th. at the "winter time of 3.30 pm. Time to don that bonnet for a frolic at West Ridgley " follow signs" On -on at Kastle King.