Sunday 15 September 2024

R*n 1797.

Sunday 22nd September. 3.30 pm. Boat Ramp Somerset, where there used to be a pirate ship!! Captain Pugwash is in charge. On-on at 19 Old Cam Rd. 

Wednesday 11 September 2024

R*n 1796.

 Sunday 15th September. Giggles is taking us on a voyage of discovery from 7 Hill Court Wynyard at the usual time of 3.30 pm. In view of recent weather bring raincoats, wellies, sun screen and a bikini! A piece of wood, a joke, a friend if you can find one.

Tuesday 3 September 2024


 Sunday 8th September. 3.30 pm. Mount Gnomen Car park. Follow Iron Cliff Rd past Ferndene to the car park.(gravel road) On-on at 6 Adina Court. Numbers needed for catering purposes please.