Next R*n - No. 880 - Ratchet's r*n of romance
R*n 880, Sunday
11th February 2007,
5:30pm start
Hare: Ratchet
On on:
Isandula Road, Gawler -
on left 6.05 km from North Motton Road turn-offHash cash: $8
Bring: Hat, mug and joke
This r*n has a romantic theme, being close to St Valentine's day, and Ratchet and Knicker's fourth wedding anniversary. Dress-up to theme.
Here are some notes about next Sunday’s r*n.
Ratchet’s Ravine
The r*n starts from what would be, if it had a number, number 605 Isandula Road, being 6.05 km from the turn off from the North Motton Road. Follow Isandula Road and start measuring from the first bridge. From this bridge, Isandula Road climbs for 2 km before levelling off. At the 2 km mark you will pass the driveways to two residences on the left, these being numbers 585 and 595. A further 100 metres on is an unmarked turn to the left. Take this road to its end, maybe 300 m, and find a parking spot without boxing Ratchet’s car in if it is there.
The r*n starts on a pleasant gentle descent down a country lane, which finally peters out into trackless scrub. Trail will pass through a short section of rough scrub before descending into rain forest, dropping more and more steeply into Ratchet’s Ravine. Don’t despair; the descent is not too long and is generally easy. The descent will end at a river where survivors may have a drink and / or swim. For those not wanting to get wet, the river bed is dry gravel with easily crossed narrow water channels, but there are also some occasional deep pools for falling into.
On the other side, trail climbs very steeply but is surprisingly easy and short. (Whoops, now that I have announced it, it won’t be a surprise!) Trail then joins gently undulating bush tracks which take survivors past magnificent views down into the ravine, rushing rapids, dry-foot creek crossings, a pleasant piss stop, Tasmania’s only waterless waterfall and some engineering marvels, eventually delivering them back onto Isandula Road about 1.5 km from the start.
Here Ratchet will be waiting, if his car has not been boxed in, to deliver the drivers back to their cars. The remainder can choose whether to wait for the cars, or to bash the boring bitumen back to the start.
On On,
Wet Cherubs anyone?
It's good to see that hares are now pre-writing their own Trashes. It's Chunder's run soon.
Speed Hump
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