Saturday, 3 March 2007

Greetings from Aussie Nash Hash 2007

Nash Hash may have just started (last night) but already it's been a big couple of days. It started for the Burnie contingent with the Red Dress run on Thursday, with Urang and Phay Wray making the Canberra Times (pictorially) and others reportedly making the WIN news.

Straight after the Red Dress we tackled the Over 100kg r*n, ensuring that most were well lubricated by the end of the day.

Yesterday morning we all registered and claimed our goodies bag - a nice cooler-type carry bag, polo top, mug or goblet and assorted 'giveaways'.

Last night's opening ceremony started with a streaker, who cannot be named but we'll call him 'Spoof'. He was a bit disappointed that no security guards tried to tackle him.

There was a bit of a problem with the beer to start with, but eventually it flowed. The food was plentiful and the band had most gyrating on the 'dance floor' well into the night.

Today is the first of the runs and the temperature is meant to hit 34 degrees, so we may not tackle the ball-breaker.

Photos will be uploaded to the Burnie Hash Flickr site shortly, but be warned - Lone Arranger has taken shots of just about every Nash Hasher, so finding incriminating photos of local hashers may be harder to find than you expect (but they're there).


Anonymous said...

Welcome On Home

Anonymous said...

All those goodies winging their way back from Nash Hash........ I suppose we can look forward to some wery wonderful wigged waffle prizes in the coming weeks!!

Grizzly said...

Aren't all my wigged wraffle prizes wonderful???