Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Red Dress Run

Dear All,
You would have noticed the two fine upstanding hashers on page five of The Advocate today.
If not, have a look - it's good for a laugh.
Anyway, DH3 is holding a Red Dress Run on Monday night.
The cost for the run will be $5, plus the normal DH3 fee of $10 ($15 in total).
The idea of the run is to raise funds for charity and to also stick it up the dick-head homophobes who live in Penguin (as discussed at Devonport Hash last Monday night).
We would like to welcome one and all hashers to join us on this run.
The run leaves Hiscutt Park at the pre-ordained DH3 time of 6.30 p.m. (which actually means closer to 6.45 p.m.).
Your $15 expenditure is all inclusive and covers food and drinks.
The On-On will be at Bastard's fine establishment after the run (6 Adina Place).
See you there,


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