Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Suspects caught on film

Police have released a photo (below) of two suspects wanted for questioning after the 'gateway panels' at the western end of Cooee were vandalised on Sunday.

Eye witnesses report seeing the two loitering around the controversial artwork at around 4pm on Sunday and police are appealing to anyone who may know of the suspects' whereabouts.


Anonymous said...

I do believe there may have also been an empty can of guinness close by......

Anonymous said...

The owner of the dog is the cause of all the floods in NSW, VIC. and I also believe the Huon Valley... she was in the areas on every occasion....

Anonymous said...

and a few empty spray cans 'n beer cans. Their skateboards were hidden near their hoodies.

Anonymous said...

That poor dog is the victim of circumstances... even the 'equine flu' outbreak is blamed on her.. it is a classic case of mistaken identity and false accusations.. She is liable to bite anyone who contrives to accuse her of amy other misdeamenours!!

Truly (aka A Bit of That) said...

I'm told that I am being accused of heinous crimes (all untrue I hasten to add)

In my defense please note I did not knowingly flood NSW, Victoria and the Huon Valley..... but my friends in Burnie must have dry weather for their weekly r*ns so I confess I moved the clouds a bit! With my short legs it's hard to know how much 'shove' is needed to keep NW Tasmania dry on a Sunday afternoon!!

Some people are never satisfied!!