Friday, 12 October 2007

HHH Hash Trash 12th October

Roaming the rolling hills of Highclere is the spirit of a confused canine - Fred the transsexual hash hound.
Her former* master, Speed Hump, is setting forth from the first bridge on Oonah Road, Highclere, with offerings of flour and the promise of a burnt offering lovingly dropped on the floor to be eagerly snuffled up. Burnie hashers are invited to assist Fred's spirit on it's heavenly hunt of hare by meeting at 5:00pm EDST to chant 'on on' and generally shuffle around the vicinity. Après hash will be held at the House of Hump.

Bring a $10 for food and bucket, hat, mug, friend, friendly piece of wood, wooden joke and extra money for the joke of a raffle.

* a spirit has no master; a spirit is lucky to even be around wherever there is a hasher
The usher is tearing tickets and the chewing gum is being cleared off the seats as we prepare for the Burnie Ten weekend on 20th October.  The casting couch has been given a good work-over, but there are a few parts left for talented or desperate actors keen to be part of the red carpet premiere.

Details are on the blog (  Register soon and go in the draw for one of Knickers' amazing raffle prizes - an offer too good to refuse*!

* the offer 'too good to refuse' refers to the chance that you might not win a prize, which is better than actually winning one
Oct 13-14 - H5 Oktoberfest @ Mt Field National Park
Oct 20-21 - Burnie Ten weekend
Nov 5 - Camp Quality Charity Hash Run (Hobart)
Mar 21-23 2008 - Interhash, Perth WA
† R*n 914 - Oct 14 - Speed Hump @ Highclere
R*n 915 - Oct 20 - Burnie Ten weekend pt I
R*n 916 - Oct 21 - Burnie Ten weekend pt II
R*n 917 - Oct 28 - A Bit of This @ Penguin
R*n 918 - Nov 4 - Knickers @ Gawler

On on

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