Sunday, 16 December 2007

Next R*n - No. 924 - Christmas r*n!

Sunday 16th December 2007, 17:30pm start
Hare: Phay Ray
On on: King Kommunications, North Terrace, Burnie
Hash cash: NC, but bring a wrapped gift to the value of $10 and a plate of food to share
Bring: wot he just said

Dress in festive red or festering green


Anonymous said...

or dress in new academic black - oh no, that's just me, isn't it?
On on from an anonymous but obviously smart hasher - then again, aren't we all? PS my plate may be a crate of champagne dregs - is that okay?

Grizzly said...

Real anonymous hashers don't use correct capitalisation.

Oh, you didn't.
My bad.

Anonymous said...

I did - I was following on from your instructions, as an extended sentence, you Phoolish Philistine. Your bad what, by the way? At least I finish my sentences!