Friday, 30 January 2009

HHH Hash Trash 30 January 2009

Feelin' hot, hot, hot.  Summer is here with a vengeance and a fine weekend awaits, with this week's hare Phay Ray letting the puppies out for a stroll in rural Ridgley; look for signs on Circular Road (left just before the shop).  The on on will be removed to the King Maximum Security Retirement Home and Pilates Centre.

The r*n starts at 5:30pm; bring hat, mug, $10 for food and bucket, twin set, chair, joke and friend. Bring extra cash for a chance in GonZo's Boags reject raffle.

Some go in hard.  Some search for the truth.  But according to last week's poll, never underestimate the value of a rubber chicken!

This week's poll is: Which Devonport hasher would you trust by awarding the Hashit?
Go to, look for the poll on the right side of the page and record your vote (closes next Thursday).

UP AND CUMMING. ( updated)
January 31 - Hobart (H4) 2000th run @ The Lea
February 14 - Red Dress Run @ Hobart
February 20-22 - Swine 09 Pig Pen Run @ Nugent
February 28-March 1 - H5 Hamilton weekend
May 1-3 - 2009 Aussie Nash Hash @ Cairns

R*n 983 - Feb 1 - Phay Ray @ Ridgley
R*n 984 - Feb 8 - Trailmaster @ TBA
R*n 985 - Feb 14 - Red Dress Run @ Hobart Regatta Grounds

On on

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