Friday, 23 July 2010

Hash Trash 23 July 2010

Dear reader,

It seems like an eternity since I have had a chance to communicate with you, and much has happened during the meanwhilst.  During our short separation it would appear that I've attracted the attention of another reader.  Please don't think of me as shallow, but I think that there may be enough wanker to go around. I would understand if you are upset by this news and decided to look elsewhere for your hashing news - Gispert knows that there is so much of it going around these days.
If it's any consolation, I don't think it will last - the 'other' reader likes to get hers early, and I just don't know if I can satisfy her needs.
Nevertheless, I offer the following in the hope that it will be accepted by you in the manner in which it is intended...
This week's trail will be set by that stout fellow, Ratchet, although I will leave it to you to decide if he is short and round stout or rich and dark stout.  The jungle drums of western Borneo did not carry information of where the trail will start, but knowing gay old Ratchet as I do (again, you decide which way the adjectives fall), the trail will start somewhere along Isandula Road in Gawler.
The days draw longer, but I suspect that the run will still start at 3:00 in the PM and that each hasher should bring the usual assortment of cash and kind.
UP AND CUMMING. († updated)
† Monday July 26 - LoonR Hash @ Otto's Grotto - 1st anniversary!
Saturday August 7 - Hash Ball
Saturday August 14-15 - Wild West Weekend VII @ Waratah
Saturday September 4 - DH3 Tour de Pisse
Sunday October 10 - Global Harriettes Day (10/10/10)
Saturday October 16-17 - Burnie Ten weekend
R*n 1062 - 25/07/2010 - Ratchet @ TBA

On! On!

1 comment:

A Bit of This said...

Welcome back Grizzly. Your offerings are sooo much better than any one else could possibly write!