Thursday, 12 April 2012

Burnie HHH Next R*n April 15th

This week's r*n celebrates a birthday at the new House of Hump. Hare Speedy clocks up a new milestone in record time. It must surely only be 6 months since her last birthday? Or perhaps we are all just having too much fun.
Instructions from the Hare are as follows:
Travel to Highclere Shop and say Hi to Clere. Turn right on Oonah Road, continue 3.3km, turn left onto Guide Road. Travel 2 km along Guide Road to where the r*n starts. Signs are promised, but the Hare did not say what sort, so look for a juniper bush with foot-shaped berries and birthday candles. That's sure to be a sign of something.
4.30pm sharp, Sunday April 15th. Bring all the usual stuff.
On! On!

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