Sunday, 27 May 2012

Burnie Hash Trash - Sunday 27th May 2012

This week’s r*n will be set by Black Tracka from the Highway Halt shop, Sulphur Creek– starting at 3:30pm. On-on will be at the Pluny’s Thai restaurant in Penguin so don’t forget to bring cash to pay for the meal!  Bring the usuals – hat, mug, joke, friend, piece of wood, $10 and change for the rigged raffle.

Receding Hareline:
Saturday 9th-Sunday 10th  June – Highland Fling @ Lake Pedder
Sunday 17th – LaLa @ TBA
Sunday 24th – Speed Hump @TBA
Sunday 1st – Toad’s Tool @ TBA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Dear Reader" will be watching from afar for a while!! No slacking or I'll know!!!