Monday, 7 April 2014

R*n 1260.

Sunday April 13th 2014. Ratchet sets trail from 1054 Isandula Rd. in a 'warm up' for the 2014 AGPU on 24th May. R*n will commence at 3.30 pm.

This month LoonRhash is a 'split' pack!! LH3 will hold their celebrations at Westbury Showgrounds starting at 7pm. The N.W pack will start from Burnie Yacht Club at 6.30 pm.

Cost for LH3: $15 for heavy drinkers or $10 for the more abstemious plus some extra for food to by provided by LH3.

Cost for N.W pack: Pay for your meal/drinks in pub afterwards. Probably The Menai yet to be confirmed.

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